Awards, Recognitions and History
Park View, School District 70, is a K-8 one building school district located in Morton Grove, IL, just 15 miles north of Chicago. Established in 1897 with only 148 students, it currently services over 900 students with continued growth projected for the next few years. The population of the students is diverse, and the school has excelled in accommodating each student with a phenomenal staff and special programs for the gifted and talented, the arts, physical education, ESL, as well as special education.
Academically, excellence is a top priority. This is evident in the teachers and students alike. The students regularly score above the national and state averages with a healthy percentage scoring in the top quartile in all subject areas. Further, the students have excelled in special programs for music, art, technology, and physical education.
Recent Park View Awards, Recognitions and Accomplishments
Illinois State Board of Education, Those Who Excel Reward Recipients:
*Award of Meritorious Service in the Student Support Personnel Category: Ms. Maggie LoBue, School Psychologist
*Award of Special Recognition in the Classroom Teacher Category: Mrs. Lauren Lucci, Grade 4
Park View School named 2024 Best Elementary and Best Middle School according to US News & World Report
Illinois State Board of Education, Those Who Excel Reward Recipients:
*Award of Meritorious Service in the Teacher Category: Ms. Danielle Faubert, Grade 3
*Award of Meritorious Service in the Early Career Educator Category: Ms. Nikki Thanas, Grade 2
Park View School receives Exemplary School designation by the Illinois State Board of Education
PLTW - Distinguished School National Award
PLTW - Gateway Distinguished School National Award
Park View School named a Model PLC school, becoming one of 29 schools in the state of Illinois with designation.
Illinois State Board of Education, Those Who Excel Reward Recipients:
*Award of Meritorious Service in the Early Career Educator Category: Ms. Sydney Starwalt, Grade 3
*Award of Meritorious Service in the Educational Service Personnel Category: Mrs. Jill Brocar, Park View
School Secretary
*Award for Meritorious Service in the Administrator Category: Brad Voehringer, District 70 Superintendent
PLTW - Distinguished School National Award
PLTW - Gateway Distringuished School National Award
Principal Matt Condon was selected as one of the six finalists from over 100 school leaders for the 2022 Golden Apple Award of Excellence in Leadership
Park View Physical Education department has received the Illinois Associaiton of Health, Physical Education, Recreation adn Dance(IAHPERD), Blue Ribbon Award, for the sixth time. The Park View Physical Eduation Department is led by Chris O'Neill, Brian Hood, Krissy Lochner and Eric Cepa.
1st Grade Teacher, Laura Hansen, Wins WGN Teacher of the Month Award
Illinois State Board of Education, Those Who Excel Reward Recipients:
Katie Douglas, Alana McCloskey, and Ellen Prosise all recieve Awards of Merit
2019-Morton Grove District 70 newsletter, "District Details" receives two Awards of Merit from the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (INSPRA).
2018-ELL teacher, Ms. Sandy Moller, named WIDA Educator of the Month.
2018-School nurse, Mrs. Annie Byrne, receives an Illinois State Board of Education Those Who Excel Award of Merit
2018-Pre-K teacher, Ms. Jenny Hestrup, receives an Illinois State Board of Education Those Who Excel Award of Recognition
2018-Morton Grove School District 70 newsletter “District Details” wins two awards from the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (INSPRA). An award of excellence in the writing category and an award of merit in the newsletter category. ranks both Park View Middle School (#39) and Park View Elementary (#84) in their annual list of the 100 Best Schools in Illinois.
2018-Board members, Mr. Paul McGivern, Mr. Wayne Youkhana, Mrs. Lori Eslick, Mr. George Karagozian and Mrs. Leah Kintner earn Master Board Member status through the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB).
2018-Superintendent, Mr. Brad Voehringer, earns National Superintendent Certification through the American Association of School Administrators.
2017-Morton Grove School District 70 newsletter “District Details” wins two awards from the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (INSPRA). An award of excellence in the newsletter category and an award of merit for writing
2017-Morton Grove School District 70 receives highest financial rating from the Illinois State Board of Education
- Leadership Team
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- Principal's Welcome
- Awards, Recognitions and History
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- Employment (opens in new window)
- Building Use and Intramurals Calendar
- Illinois Interactive Report Card (opens in new window)
- The Substitute Cooperative (opens in new window)
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